The AI communication coach app

Develop communication skills

the how

Self-Awareness for Communication and Persuasiveness

free coaching app
  • Rocky is affordable

    Do you need to listen better to others and articulate clearly what is important to you?

  • Rocky is consistent

    Do you want to convince and engage others with your ideas and proposals?

  • Rocky is always positive and cheerful
    Highly personalized, intelligent and every day available for you.

Improve Listening Skills, Persuasion, Articulation

  • Rocky is affordable

    Rocky is here for you to challenge and support you in achieving higher levels of performance while allowing you to bring out the best in yourself and those around you.

  • Rocky is consistent

    These questions vary every morning and evening and get more personalized for you over time thanks to machine learning behind.

  • Rocky is always positive and cheerful

    As a result Rocky will give you a Mindfulness score and also propose a matching tip

    Highly personalized, intelligent and every day available for you.
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Simple, Effective

Daily Reflection Questions, Only 5-Minutes a Day

Morning mindset Questions

Construct your intentions and understand your emotional tone to best carry out your day. 

evening reflection Questions

Reflect on your outcome of the day and inspire your personal growth as a leader. - the APP

Your communication skills assistant app

  • Rocky is affordable

    A monthly fee at the price of 1 book. A classical human coaching session can cost up to $500.
    SAVE 95% of those costs!

  • Rocky is consistent

    A bot instead consistency enables practicing leadership skills daily. In reality, only 8% of leadership learnings are brought into daily practice.

  • Rocky is always positive and cheerful

    Self-reflection tutorials, journaling and AI coaching with Rocky.

    Highly personalized, intelligent and every day available for you.

    Rocky assists you on the road to success and Rocky is your personal success academy.

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How to have great success with Rocky?

What communication skills can I practice with Rocky?

Top Communications Skills that you can practice with Rocky the coaching App:

  • Clarity and clear communications
  • Active Listening
  • Sales and pitching
  • Asking good questions (You will get a lot of good questions in the reflection app)
  • Friendliness (being positive and optimistic)
  • Confidence
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence
  • Trust and Respect
  • Building Relationships
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Tone of Voice

Is Rocky helpful for nonviolent communication?

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a simple method for clear, empathic communication, consisting of ft

  • Observing others or reflecting about last events
  • Understanding your or other feelings better
  • Understanding you personal needs, expectations and desires
  • Being able to communicate your requests

Rocky will set your growth mindset for these questions and reflect with you.

Communication Styles & Communication Definition

Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another.

Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject. The complexity is why good communication skills are considered so desirable by employers around the world: accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is actually extremely hard.

There are four categories of communication which all need to be championed.

  1. Spoken communication and verbal communication - You cannot plan ahead what you will exactly say in a spontaneous situation. However, you can set up your strategy of communication ahead. Defining the most important points and the preparation for possible questions and their best answers.
  2. Written communication or emails - How do you want to deliver your message? What is your intention behind? What is the interest and need of the receiver and the target audience?
  3. Non-verbal communication - Body language, gestures and how to act. Rocky will assist you with many tutorials on how to behave and these will appear once they make sense in you coaching sessions.
  4. Visual communication - What colors, what tone and what impact those visuals have on your communication partner. Reflect upon last events and remind yourself what worked well.

How can Rocky help to practice interpersonal communication skills?

Here are 8 tips to improve your interpersonal communication skills and how you can apply them with Rocky the AI bot:

- Practice active listening. Rocky will ask you to recall the conversations you had so that you can reflect on the behavior that you showed to your communication partner.

- Maintain your relationships. Be reminded by the app to prepare for meetings with colleges or friends and define who currently needs you attention.

- Cultivate a positive outlook. The app helps you to be positive by reminding you every day of the good things about your life and your job. If you’re upset about a personal matter, set those feelings aside until after work. If you’re stressed about a work issue, look for the positive in the situation and try to articulate that.

- Control your emotions. Being emotional rarely is helpful. Whether you’re extremely irritated, severely depressed or ecstatically happy, take a deep breath and tone your emotions down. The reflection app will help you to mentally prepare for these situations.

- Acknowledge others. One of the best ways to build trust at work is to let your co-workers and other people know you appreciate their expertise. Ask for their help on projects and give credit where credit is due.

- Show a real interest in people. Define who you will dedicate time for in your coaching chats and then make a point of getting to know what’s important to your co-workers, family or friends. It will help solidify your relationships with them.

- Be assertive. It’s important to be assertive. Be confident in your ability and opinions, and don’t be afraid to express your needs, as well as your limits. Practice assertiveness daily with Rocky.

- Practice empathy. Gain a well-rounded view of things by putting yourself in other people’s shoes. This will help you develop empathy for others, which in turn goes a long way in finding solutions that work for all involved.

the COACHing

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