Rocky - The AI leadership coach App

the how

Self-Help for Leading your Team

free coaching app
  • Rocky is affordable

    Do you want to provide guidance, instruction, direction and motivation to your team?

  • Rocky is consistent

    Do you want to cultivate team performance and create results with your organisation?

  • Rocky is always positive and cheerful
    Highly personalized, intelligent and every day available for you.

Improve EnGagement, Communication, PERFORMANCE

  • Rocky is affordable

    Rocky is here for you to challenge and support you in achieving higher levels of performance while allowing you to bring out the best in yourself and those around you.

  • Rocky is consistent

    These questions vary every morning and evening and get more personalized for you over time thanks to machine learning behind.

  • Rocky is always positive and cheerful

    As a result Rocky will give you a Mindfulness score and also propose a matching tip to follow up.

    Highly personalized, intelligent and every day available for you.
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Simple, Effective

Daily Leadership Questions, Only 5-Minutes a Day

Morning mindset Questions

Construct your intentions and understand your emotional tone to best carry out your day. 

evening reflection Questions

Reflect on your outcome of the day and inspire your personal growth as a leader. 
the APP

Your daily leadership assistant

Rocky assists you to take charge of your leadership skills daily.

  • Rocky is affordable

    A monthly fee at the price of 1 book. A classical human coaching session can cost up to $500.

  • Rocky is consistent

    A robot's consistency enables practicing leadership skills daily. In reality, only 8% of leadership learnings are brought into daily practice.

  • Rocky is always positive and cheerful

    Self- reflection, journaling and AI coaching with Rocky.

    Highly personalized, intelligent and every day available for you.
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COnfidence Coach FAQ

How to have great success with Rocky?

What about data-protection and privacy?

The conversation with the AI is fully anonymized. The user settings, personal development plans and diaries are De-identified within the app and can be only accessed with secure credentials by the user.

Is the PERMA-V model scientifically proven?

Dr. M. Seligman outlined the characteristics for personal and professional thriving with this model. It is built upon the self-actualisation principles of Maslow's pyramid.

Why are leadership styles important?

As you develop leadership skills, you’ll likely use different processes and methods to achieve your employer’s objectives and meet the needs of the employees who report to you. To be effective as a manager, you might use several different leadership styles at any given time.

Common Leadership styles are:
1. Coaching Leadership
2. Visionary Leadership
3. Servant Leadership
4. Autocratic Leadership
5. Laissez-faire or hands-off Leadership
6. Democratic Leadership
7. Pacesetter Leadership
8. Transformational Leadership
9. Transactional Leadership
10. Bureaucratic Leadership

Will I receive leadership quotes?

Yes. ROCKY.AI inspires you with leadership quotes.

What are leadership qualities or leader skills?

In either case, the characteristics of those in charge correlated to their ability to accomplish their goals. Just as importantly, those same traits determined how much – or how little – their followers looked up to them.

  • Honesty and Integrity. ...
  • Inspire Others. ...
  • Commitment and Passion. ...
  • Good Communicator. ...
  • Decision-Making Capabilities. ...
  • Accountability. ...
  • Delegation and Empowerment. ...
  • Creativity and Innovation.

the COACHing

Other leadership and personal-development topics

AI priority and clarityPriority & Clarity
Priority & Clarity

Set your intentions and focus on your priority with clarity.

AI people and communicationPeople & Communication
People & Communication

Communicate better, engage your team and connect to your network.

AI balance and confidenceBalance & Confidence
balance & confidence

Build a positive mindset, manage your energy and express yourself to the world.

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