is the AI-powered Self-Improvement app that enables you to cultivate, improve and master soft skills to succeed in your life and career.
You can improve your soft skills through a personalized process of intelligent journaling with tailored coaching sessions to let you blossom and achieve your unique potential.With just five minutes of daily interaction, Rocky will sustain you through your growth path and will provide content tailored tips to boost and refine your individual personal development journey.
Rocky is the Self Improvement and AI coach ready to bolster your professional and talent development.
The personalized coaching journey allows you to train and refine soft skills such as:
Rocky strengthens your talent and helps you to fill your skills gaps and motivational needs. From your first chat, Rocky arranges effective action plans and succession steps to match your developmental interests.
The journey is totally personalized and private: you are free to self-disclose in a protected environment and the coaching sessions will deepen your self-awareness and unveil your unique talent.
Check more about Why AI Coaching Should Be Part of Your Talent Development Strategy
Let’s dive into the details💡
It is important for you to choose according to what resonates with you the most, which will highlight your priority. Clarity enhances motivation. Motivation helps you to get out of your comfort zone, allowing you to have new experiences and achieve the goals you desire.
You are the creator of your future success and Rocky sustains you to unleash your unique potential. Here you can determine at which stage you want to thrive, whether you are a Student, Available to enter the job market, a Professional, or an Executive.
You can choose your growth path, by taping what most motivates you. Your choices include: People, Projects, or Learning. This will select your character and soft skills to be developed.
Coaching has its playful effect, too. During your coaching chat session, you can collect Experience Points (XP) from reading articles, following up, and also interacting with other like-minded people within’s community.
Here are the unlock features XP Levels:
Level 4 - Discover Section with limited content unlocked
Level 6 - Social comments unlocked
Level 9 - Modify personal growth path and add new soft skills
Level 10 - Follow-up functions unlocked.
Level 12 - Extended access to content in the Discover section.
Level 13 - Diary and Journal unlocked.
The content-related tips are little gems that Rocky provides. They are tailored to your coaching session to nurture your growth.
There are bite-sized articles provided for you and also include actionable steps, so you can add them to your checklist of things to develop. finds relevant articles to your archetype, as well as your responses given to the coaching questions.
Indeed each coaching session not only sustains you in a personalized way through your journey with empowering questions tailored to your needs, but it empowers you with short articles to strengthen your new perspectives and sustain your ongoing progress.
The bite-sized content that presents to you allows you to add new actions to your journal to improve your life and work career.
Based on interactive journaling activities and actions that you choose, daily updates and follow-ups are generated. Through them, you can visualize your daily upgrades and track the time of your progress along your journey. This helps to monitor your rate of progress as you move towards your personalized goals.
The visualization of your progress will help you to connect with yourself, and see the distance between your old self and the empowered best version of yourself.
The section Discover allows you to have a specific space for yourself and a library where you can directly choose the article that most resonates with your growth path. Rocky will only present you content related to your unique personal development journey to foster your strengths and unleash your talent.
In Rocky you can also select articles from a pool of thousands. Rocky will guide you towards the most relevant to your growth path, but you will be free to follow your passions and explore where they may lead.
In this journey, you have your personal coach and you can share your thoughts in a like-minded community.
Here you can validate your interests and your newly generated perspectives. Sharing with the community will stimulate innovation and growth, and also you will receive reinforcement that can be an effective learning tool to encourage your desirable behaviors and provide motivation.
Watch the review of's here
The review makes us proud because we are a young startup that is willing to deliver our mission to ensure the accessibility of positive psychology tools to everyone to fulfill their potential and become more successful.
We are striving to make a virtual coach powered by artificial intelligence more accessible. This will take you from good to great in your life and career, enhancing your soft skills and your professional development journey, and empowering you with tailored tips, follow-ups, track of your progress, and a community where you can share your thoughts.
We do care about human potential, lifelong learning, and commitment. These are our core values and we joyfully love to implement them in our mission.
With the Monthly basic plan subscription, you will contribute to the planting of a tree.
The more content you receive, the higher your contribution will be. With the all-inclusive monthly subscription you will help the forestation and ocean cleaning.
Now it is over to you!
Rocky is easy and handy to use to foster your soft skills and bolster your personal and professional development.
You have the tools to help you flourish, and also help the sustainability of an innovative app.
Begin the journey to unleash your true potential with!
Rocky listens and interjects questions to guide you in achieving your best self.
Reflect on your day and strengthen your mindset to effortlessly reach your goals.
In your daily reflection, your contribution can either be inspired by Rocky or you can share directly your thoughts.
Rocky keeps you motivated whilst you grow.
Rocky helps you track your progress and set follow-up tasks, which holds you to account in an encouraging, fun and uplifting way.
Rocky rewards you at the end of each session with bite-sized learning pills, taken from hundreds of books.
This specific content is tailored to your unique growth path and will refine your soft skills, boost your wellbeing and leverage your personal and professional success.
Rocky rewards you at the end of each session with bite-sized learning pills, taken from hundreds of books.
This specific content is tailored to your unique growth path and will refine your soft skills, boost your wellbeing and leverage your personal and professional success.